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Frequently Asked Questions

Simply use our travel search engine to scan for prices gathered from hundreds of travel sites. You can use filter options to help you find cheap flight tickets, discover exactly what you’re looking for and make booking seamless.
Our innovative `Instant Booking` feature saves you precious time, ensuring a seamless and hassle-free booking experience. Your ticket is confirmed with airlines instantly, booking confirmations are sent to your email within seconds.
You can store all your family members details under account details within JetSaver. Your data is safe and secure with us and you won’t have to re-enter passenger info when booking future trips Fill passenger information fast using our ezFill.
Due to airline restrictions, you can book for a maximum of nine people at a time. If there are more than nine of you, please submit the group booking form, our customer service team will complete the booking with airlines.
It’s not possible to book tickets for unaccompanied children with JetSaver. Some airlines may allow this, please check the airline policies and book with them directly.
Enter your name exactly as it appears on your passport/travel document. Airlines are usually very strict about this. You might not be allowed to board your flight if the name on your passport/travel document and ticket don't match.

Why choose JetSaver?


Price Match Guarantee

We match the prices, if it lowers within a month. Your lowest price guaranteed


24/7 Support

Avail coupons and rewards with each booking. Get phone-only discount each time you call.


Fast Booking, Fewer Clicks

Search, sort and book within seconds using advanced features such as EasyFill


Daily Hot Deals

Our unique AI technology finds you a hot deal each time you search.

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